If someone talks shit to you in an online game, you get their IP adress and ddos them
Frat Boy: hey bro ur gey
DDoSer: Talk shit get hit bro
Frat Boy: *gets ddosed*
by Miku Chan. April 17, 2015
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a unwanted vocalization resulting in repercussive slappage.
Think you are not going to have to work this weekend? Talk Shit Get Slapped!
by Junior Jelly Giant September 27, 2017
No more kidding, game on, someone is about to get their shit handed to them
Candee whispered into Dwayne's ear making him smile. Shaniqua, Dwayne's girlfriend, said "Oh hell no, this shit is about to get real!"
by JD the OG March 18, 2014
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1) A phrase that is used to say don't mess with things you don't know about

2) It also means "Fuck life the worst that can happend is I die"
It may be dangerous to do this *sigh* well fuck shit, get wrecked bitch.
by Lunar Maxwell November 24, 2021
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Referring to a female, or occasionally male, who knows where to go for the best deal, opportunity, lifestyle, and does so.
"I kicked her out and she went crawling back to you - she knows where her shit gets buttered!"
by Slic Ric September 10, 2013
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What is said after you accidentally (or sometimes purposely) download child pornography onto your computer.
B3nhur: hey i just DLed one night in paris
J4ke: omg! is it hott??
B3nhur: oh shit if i get caught with this i'm fucked
J4ke: wut? y?
B3nhur: cause it's fuckin kid porn under the wrong name
J4ke: omfg
by J4ke July 16, 2006
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