When a man uses his semen to write his initials on a lady's foot.
"I heard Sara got popcorned last night!"
by sertifikate August 22, 2011
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Verb: To bounce around unnecessarily-in turns or bumps-in the passenger seat of a car. React dramatically to an insignificant turn or bump in a car. To jiggle about dramatically as to distract a driver to be obnoxious then act like nothing happened.
MEL (driver): *gently takes a left turn*
BJORN (passenger): *flails and rolls violently in the seat*
MEL: What the hell, dude?
BJORN: What?
MEL: Quit popcorning!
by ballerrr781 December 29, 2009
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The code terminology for cannabis-herbus.

please refere to movies definition for more information.
Jeff- "Dan lets go buy some popcorn."
Dan- "and go to the movies?"
by jstephs December 2, 2003
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The heavenly combination of kernels of corn, butter, salt, and a cup of glory. Can also be used to describe a group of Caucasian babies.
This popcorn is delicious.

Most of the kids in the daycare facility were popcorn.
by shatikiliki October 13, 2016
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Street slang for a specific kind of low-quality crack-cocaine. It looks like popcorn, tastes like burnt popcorn, and gives the user a headache. Even fiends don’t want it.
“Yo, I’m not going to Zee again. This is the 3rd time he gave me that popcorn crap.”
by AnonyMystery69 May 4, 2022
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an American-born child of an immigrant
Oh, my older sister and I were born there but my younger siblings are popcorns. They got the good hospitals!
by UnderstandingJupiter December 10, 2019
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When you like alot of people and your just jumping around talking or flirting with them.basicly it means you have no clue who you want and your just POPCORNING around seeing who fits your needs
So hows your love life??are you popcorning around
by Assatopolis September 8, 2009
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