nom nom is a cloud also a person and a language!!!! nom nom nom nom
use as a person: nom nom is cute
used as a language: nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
(translated to english nom nom is the best language let make this viral
by nomcloud April 13, 2022
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The sound made by someone or something eating.

Most commonly found in lolcats and similar macros. It usually translate as, "I am absorbed in eating this".

The phrase may relate to the sound Cookie Monster makes on Sesame Street when eating cookies.

Also "Om nom nom".
*picture of kitten asleep in food bowl*

Joe: So how's that burrito?
Jack: Om nom nom nom!
Joe: So good, then?
by Infamyanonymous January 19, 2008
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The sound made when eating something (or someone). Can be referred to as "nomming" as a verb, ans is often pronounced int he sentence "om nom nom".
"Omg, there's someone eating my arm!"
*om nom nom*
"awwww :3"
by lol wut September 10, 2007
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Food, especially when speaking "lolcat". It's based on the "nom nom nom" onomatopoeia for eating.
I iz hungrey, can haz noms?
by ScoJo July 4, 2008
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