They love you sometimes, and sometimes they suck!
Mom: Im sorry, but you make me sick!

Me: Thanks... :( *jumps out of window*
by keepout October 4, 2009
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(no not the woman that gave birth to you) the person in a friend group that always provides the unwanted good advice.
billy: hey lets go jump off that bridge
joe: i don't think that's a very good idea we might die
billy: Okay MOM
by SISTAR April 4, 2011
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Beyoncé is such an inspiration, she is my mom.
by Cunt707 March 16, 2015
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The most beautiful loving person in the world. She will do anything for her kids and will never give up no matter the circumstances. A mom is stronger then anyone else. She'll tough it out and be there through thick and thin. She's the best person in a childs life. Sometimes you'll get in a fight with her, but she'll always forgive you. She is the true definition of beauty.
by thrscarybearunderyourbed April 11, 2015
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she has the finest ass this side of the mississippi
"Dude, will's mom has a sweet ass! I'd tap it." says Mike
by Negative- March 31, 2005
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The foreman of your first residence, the baby factory.
878 Fallopian Lane
Uterus, MOM 12345
by Wesley M. Williams February 10, 2005
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