Lets game it out is a registered sociopath and masochist Youtuber sensation currently held in a Chinese Re-Education centre in the depth of the Gobi desert, forced to brutalise simulator games.
person 1: "hey, did you hear? lets game it out posted again!"
person 2: "oh god, no no no, I don't want to watch him. This is a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare a nightmare..."
by OhGodPleaseKillMe November 23, 2022
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Lets Get Out Of This Terrible Sandwich Shop is the best band ever! They make amazing alternative music!
Person 1: Hey what are you listening to?

Person 2: Lets Get Out Of This Terrible Sandwich Shop made by the band called Lets Get Out Of This Terrible Sandwich Shop

Person 1: Oh i love Lets Get Out Of This Terrible Sandwich Shop by Lets Get Out Of This Terrible Sandwich Shop!
by GoofeyGoober14 July 15, 2021
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Used in polite circles when you are out on the lash need to go home for a poo. Best used with embellishment.
Brad: Sorry lads but I have got to go home and let the dogs out.
Angelina: I thought so, they have been barking all afternoon.
Brad: Yeah, if I don't go now there will be horrible mess.
by Horselhoff September 4, 2007
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When your feet are sweaty/hurting, and you take your shoes and/or socks off to get some relief. Derived from "my dogs are barking" meaning that your feet are sore
ex 1: I know I'm still at school, but I can't stand how sore my feet are... they're gonna stink but I gotta let the dogs out
ex 1: get ready and plug your noses, I'm letting the dogs out
by AccioTea November 21, 2022
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The best Danganronpa fanfiction ever. A pissfic written by Archive of Our Own user taitofan featuring Ouma Kokichi with various other characters from the game.
Person 1 : dude i just read let it all out
Person 2 : the dr piss??
by haha oopsie March 17, 2020
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a term for releasing sexual tension or reaching an orgasm. Usually refering to a girl giving pleasure to herself

refering to the video YUKI - end of this shite
I downloaded this crazy hot porn of this girl letting out the gnomes
by One Sonic Bite August 11, 2004
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“Chicago let out” is when your friends or anyone practically push you out of the car quickly when they drop you off somewhere. The reference comes from when Chicago gangsters would open the car doors and without stopping push out dead bodies.
When mom drove me to the mall on her way to work, she gave me the- Chicago Let Out.

The ho was dissed when the john gave her the Chicago let out.
by Carmie424 February 13, 2022
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