a young girl who is VERY energetic and seems to be in love with many people some of odd ages. one being a 42 year old man who has a wife and kids.
oh crap! kaylin is hitting on another old man!
by sophyy July 31, 2019
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A nerdy girl who you will love and eventually start dating! But, she would move away and dump you for some kid with emo hair! Usually very good at art
Kaylin: Sorry, I like someone else now...
Me: Ok, well fuck you ^_^
by Cat_Lord141 June 6, 2018
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Stupid fucking slut; Cock-eyed bitch; Gutter slut homewrecker. Also known for sticking inanimate objects such as water hoses, broomsticks, jumbo pencils, toothbrushes, etc. in her vagina. WARNING!: This bitch thinks she knows everything about everybody.
by Haha trickk July 11, 2008
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A girl who comes to your school in 6grade and flirts with the guy at her table. She looks a him every day and is like man hes hot.
Kaylin: wow that guy is hot
person: i reject everyone
by Thecodplayer123 February 28, 2018
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the hottest girl ever and she has the fattest ass
kaylin has such a fat ass
by slut4urdad July 2, 2022
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Kaylin is weird in a cute way but she is never mad she always has a smile on her face she is tall with brown hair she doesn't think she is cute but every guy does she loves sports and would watch any type of sport her favorite sport would be basketball she would take anyone in a 1v1 she wants to win all the time she can make friends with anyone and everyone there is no one she hates she is funny and wants to help everyone people will say she is too nice everyone loves her
Kaylin is so nice and never starts drama
by Remington23 May 22, 2019
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Is a girl who is funny but ugly but somehow all the boys want her. She's always making you laugh but is incapable of a smile
kay-lyn kayline usually spelled kaylynne
by Anonomys titttys January 31, 2017
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