The act of indoor Jiu Jitsu while intoxicated with friends.
The guys broke the TV doing drunk jitsu in the living room.
by Dirk'sAutumn January 12, 2021
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A martial arts technique involving breathing in your opponent's face right before executing a move.
I had him in a full guard, but I lost it when he pulled that gingivitis-jitsu move on me. Gross.
by jojobeans1972 February 27, 2013
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JEW - Jitsu

The art of Jewish self defense
Hitler was taken out by the jew - jitsu skills of master moses
by Rabbi Jesus Christ April 10, 2004
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sensei ramen is the master of jew jitsu. it is an ancient jewish tradition, that the asians stole 1,000,000,000 years ago
by flyinghotpocket December 6, 2007
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Mostly a name for modern practical self-defense systems, which are founded after WWII in western countries as a combination of Judo, Karate and Aikido, specialized to use it against modern day attacks. Synonymous words like Jujitsu, Ju-Jitsu or Ju-Jutsu are widely used.
Also name of a combination of western boxing and wrestling with self-defense "tricks", brought from Japan to Europe and the US around 1900 to 1920. In later years often practiced as a companion to judo or as "judo self-defense" until the modern systems were founded. This Jiu-Jitsu often was presented in film, e.g. in the Mr. Moto movies (starring Peter Lorre).
Self-defense arts called Jiu-Jitsu should not be mistaken with ancient Japanese Jujutsu styles, which are traditional, classical bujutsu (martial skills) of the Japanese warriors (samurai) and are in fact koryu (ancient budo). They have not much in common with the Jiu-Jitsu we know.
by Yawara August 22, 2003
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The use of self-promotional information volunteered by someone who lacks self-awareness to draw unfavorable conclusions about them.
We asked a job candidate to tell us something funny he saw at work, and he told us about a prank he pulled that must have been absolutely humiliating to one of his coworkers. It didn't take much johari jitsu to realize this sociopath would be a bad fit.
by enjoy_the_chaos July 27, 2011
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