A hilarious mockumentary starring Kirstin Dunst, Denise Richards, and Kirstie Alley (skinny, then fat, then skinny, then fat, then skinny... FETTUCCINI!!!!)

This non-stop laughter-causing movie has got it all, from mentally disabled characters showing off their nether-regions, to trailer park-bombings, to pedophilia! Pop in this wonderful DVD and let the chaos ensue!
Drop Dead Gorgeous is the best mockumentary ever made!

Denise Richards is in Drop Dead Gorgeous!? She's such and easy bake oven! (See def. for easy bake oven)
by Darling Nicki July 6, 2006
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The worst show on television. Every episode is just horrible.
Fred: I watched Drop Dead Diva with my wife.
John: Fuck! I'm so sorry bro. Will you be okay?
Fred: I don't think I can go on.
by dropdiva hater July 8, 2013
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Amber. That's it. That's the definition. 💓
Me: Hey amber ..

Her: what?

Me: You're drop dead gorgeous
by Skuro June 8, 2019
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Saige Mercer. Don't @ me on this.
Wow! Saige Mercer is so drop dead gorgeous I can't comprehend how perfect she is.
by moonlight💭 September 18, 2017
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Somebody usually Female, who is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!

Boquisha is Drop Dead Gorgeous!
by KBCS March 27, 2005
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a very hot scene queen who looks like a goddess
''have you seen DROP DEAD JADE lately? shes looking hot !''
by lolzmess February 7, 2008
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An evil way of describing someone who is so called attractive or better yet well groomed embedded in the subconscious mind of the unsuspecting victim causing them to feel something dreadful and self suffocate which might be confused with low self esteem when they recollect and why they felt that emotion when seeing taylor swift or whomever they find attractive in the real world or on t.v. The feeling almost makes you drop dead but obviously the showy individual must not see how cowardly they are in a world full of unkempt and miserable people but with them others who are just as flashy and let see how much emotional stamina they'll have.
That chick with the prada shoes is drop dead gorgeous
by realist213 September 27, 2016
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