Australian slang term for a Bong (usually home-made, out of a plastic bottle and garden hose).

Also slang for smoking cones.
Hey bro, pass us the Billie.

I punched so many Billies last night.
by jamesaustralia April 16, 2007
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"Did you just see Billy?"
"No, he's way too pretty!"
by DuckyDuck784 December 9, 2012
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Billys are the best love makers in the world, every girl must have sex with a billy. They are also usually well built, muscular, tanned and love physical sports, they’re also the funniest type of lad about and spends every Saturday with the boys.
by Muggycunt11 January 18, 2018
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Billy is a man-child, who is a muscular athletic human. Who posses many talents. He is easily amused by childish things oftenly confused with 'ADD'. He is a passionate lover and has a monster cock. Women crave his attention, while men envy him. Gay men flock to him and he disrepectfully declines with his man strength. Teachers chat about him behind his back and act as if it never occurs
That guy is a billy, if there ever was one.

My teachers were talking about Billy.
by BillDogs September 16, 2010
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a water pipe - bong - used for smoking cannabis
Pack that cone and pass us the billy.
by willvi August 20, 2003
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a cute guy who is nice to his girlfriend and makes her laugh alot a billy is someone you either want to marry or have a long nice relationship. A billy is someone who might get his fealing hurts easily if you flirt with a nother girl he can be jelouse at times but in the end he still loves you but hes stupid you feal confident (brain wise) around him
billy is very sweet and hes a good boyfriendand hes a great kisser
by billy<3 April 14, 2008
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Billy is the kind of guy you know you want to spend the rest of your life with after meeting up with him to discuss Jen's notes. You're never gonna know how you deserve him because he is so funny, smart, and sweet. When someone thinks of "generous", they think of Billy. He will buy you anything from unlimited gyoza to beautiful Tiffany jewellery. Billy is also the most good-looking person you will ever meet and has these beautiful eyes and an eyebrow with a track that he shaves in every morning. Also he has a girthquake. But most of all, Billy is always loved.
I've given up on Billy, nothing is going to happen.
by gqwakihj August 5, 2018
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