someone everyone is having orgasms over for no particular reason. he's not particularly funny and my friend can skate better than him.

basically, he's another MTV-Shitface
Dumb-Bitch 1: lyke OMG, Bam Margera is so hawt. marry me Bam, i want your babies.
Me: shut up, slut. *kills*
by JakeH January 4, 2006
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a skater of some sort who has his own sell-outish t.v. show
he's also quite dim by the looks of things
person 1: "what the fuck is wrong with bam margera?"
person 2: "brain damage?"
by dfgkidsfgjidkobgnfxd April 20, 2008
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a very good skater and very good looking. he also has a funny show called Viva La Bam but it sometimes makes me wonder why his parents still let him live with them.
Bam makes the people around him go insane but...who cares!
by Annie December 9, 2003
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Is obsessed with the color blue and REALLY wants to be Ville Valo. Seriously, man. It's NOT becoming.
"If only I could change from Bam Margera into Mrs. Ville Valo!" -Bam Margera
by Titty Bob and Bart Le Froof October 31, 2004
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awesome skater
cool guy
skates for element
stars in movie called haggard, videos called cky, and jackass
didn't make cky , to all of you dumbasses
Bam margera is awesome but, cky is a band that bam isn't in , he has movies with the same name but isn't in the band , butt Jess is
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the worst person to live next to
a toolbox
tips below 10%
Can you hand me my Bam Margera, I need a wrench.
by Teresa March 25, 2004
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listen. Bam Margera is NOT A GOOD SKATER!!! why the fuck would anyone even think hes good?! the best trick ive ever seen him do is a disaster. wow, theres so many other skaters that actually deserve recognition. in my city, theres a 14 year old that can kickflip out of manual dwn a 3 block. bam margera doesnt even know what a 3 block is. all he does is hurt people and rip off companies and ideas just because hes too much of a braindead douchebag to think of his own shit.
poser: OMG!!! in my american wasteland game, i just saw Bam Margera do a kickflip on a curb that looked really scary!!!
me: wow i can do a kickflip dwn a curb. hes a douche. now... bring me some popcorn.
by asfsddsffsdfasd July 12, 2006
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