It is a snack that is for godly people
Apple sauce gives you powers
by Simoneatapples February 9, 2019
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A term of high respect and consolation used among (usually young) men. More personal and intense than simply bro. Likely arose as a logical reaction to young women referring to each other as orange sauce.
A: My girlfriend just dumped me.

B: Hang in there, apple sauce. It'll get better.
by thadopeman January 1, 2022
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In reference to what's left from an old man's adam's apple. It is no longer a hard lump in the throat but a mush.
"Old man I'll karate chop in your adam's apple sauce!"
by portablepotty January 12, 2013
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Apple sauce people are better than those “boomerthings
“I’m from the APPLE SAUCE PEOPLE generation, and that makes me superior to you!”
by Winnie_Linuwu November 18, 2019
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