The indirect expression of affection characterized by self-deprecating comments, pointed sub-tweeting and circuitous social maneuvering. A passive aggressive courter will never directly communicate his/her affections.
"Jamie said I was intelligent, gorgeous, soft-spoken, and way out of their league. Talk about passive aggressive courting."
by LCPtheatre November 15, 2014
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When a girl at a club starts dancing closely with her back to a guy she has not met. This leaves only two options for the guy:
1) Act like a creep and start grinding up on her
2) Stand there and shoot a weird look to your friend
Man, I was having a chill time until this girl started passive aggressive dancing with me. She wasn't really very hot either.
by momoney?moproblems March 31, 2009
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Consists of 70% of the Internet, mainly virgins, losers and young adult males. There will be varying degrees.

100% of them will fail shit tests.

The following are traits of a Passive Aggressive Beta:

1. passively resist fulfilling routine social and occupational tasks

2. complain of being misunderstood and unappreciated by others

3. is sullen and argumentative

4. unreasonably criticize and scorn authority

5. express envy and resentment toward those apparently more fortunate

6. voices exaggerated and persistent complaints of personal misfortune

7. alternates between hostile defiance and contrition

Don't be a Passive Aggressive Beta.
"Gaming communities are packed with Passive Aggressive Betas." - rAFC
by afckilla December 26, 2017
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An income stream that was supposed to be easy but turns out to be hard work and difficult to extract money from due to reluctant or uncooperative people involved who try to avoid paying
My rental house is a great source of passive aggressive income; my tenants are 5 weeks behind on rent, yet they keep complaining and demanding I pay to fix little holes in the fly screens made by their cats, then the agent tried to double bill me for fees as well, I have to work so hard chasing this money that it doesn't seem worth it.
by enviromech May 22, 2020
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during HQ gameplay in COD4, your team captures the HQ till around 200 points then farm kills for the rest of the round before capturing the HQ once more to claim the win.

Player 1: You guys are faggots!
Player 2: Crab-cock.
Player 3: Passive aggressive owning, dude.
by Wesley Sakamoto February 22, 2008
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inviting someone to do something knowing they will say no so that you look like the better person
I asked her to go to dinner with a passive-aggressive invitation. This way I'm trying and not the flaky one.
by Bananas23 October 6, 2015
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When someone likes all the reply’s/comments on a feed bar the original tweet/Status
So Sam was Passive aggressive liking comments on my status last night like. Trying to get a rise out of me

So I put a tweet out last night about the night out and that Beth girl liked all of the reply’s but not my tweet!
by Twitter stalker July 29, 2018
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