A sexual act of repeatedly headbutting or physically inserting your cranium in a females vagina.
guy 1: Dude did you see that janie's gaping vagina?
guy 2: yea i totally gave her the zidane all night
guy 1: nice i oughta try that out
by frosty austy October 12, 2008
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A sore loser. His winning goal in the 1998 World Cup caused strong anti-immigration fervor in France but now, because France was defeated by Italy, is a hero to those same hypocrites.
Like a true sore loser, Zidane heatbutted Matarazzi because the French can't stand to be defeated.
by Donna D. July 29, 2006
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1. Smelly French punk who got pissed off and headbutted an Italian player in the final game of the World Cup tournament.
2. To headbutt someone like Zinedine Yazid Zidane.
by jjanksta April 18, 2007
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Zidane is a pussy who acts big but when it gets to real shit he’s scared. He’s also someone who can only beef girls coz he’s too much of a pussio to fight guys
Person1: zidane is such a pussy
Person2:innit fam
by 23333 April 21, 2018
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High pinging bastard, scouts me in the head all the time which pisses me off, but glock him and that he doesnt like.
"zidane how did u miss that u laggy git!"
by Not El_Hef...Honest July 15, 2003
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Main character of Final Fantasy IX. He is a genome with a tail. He's also a thief with a decent sense of humour.
"Oooh, soft!" - Zidane tribal's remark after pinching Garnet's ass

"You don't need a reason to help people"
by Adelbert Steiner March 22, 2008
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