A female vagina

Often used around children
You've got your pip on show girl!
by Fireting02 November 16, 2016
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Slang for Pippa Middleton's breasts, referring to the relatively small size.
Did you see the topless photos of Pippa Middleton?

Yes, I did, but the pips aren't that exciting.
by Bunny_Hunter May 13, 2011
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A pip is very good and yummy. You can also use it as money. You can also eat it. You can also give it away. You can also give it away to Lamb.
Hey Lamb! Want some PIPs? Fresh out of the Vault!
by SavageLamb October 22, 2020
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Dude she licked my pip so good.
by br0wn113 November 8, 2019
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mischievous lil twerp. A name to describe someone (mostly a little child) that is currently getting into trouble. Could also be used to describe a grouchy, temper tantrum child.
The minute my toddler son woke up this morning I knew he was gonna be a lil PIP all day.
by ManicDevyl September 14, 2010
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To accidentally type your "password in plaintext" for all to see.
Past Tense - "pipped"
"I was showing my boss my new program when I pipped. Unfortunately, his name is Bob and my password was 'b0bsux'."
by Mike Spille July 16, 2003
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Short for 'Pippi Longstocking'. A pip is a rare breed, an attractive redhead that guys can't help but want to stuff like a Christmas goose. Redheads are known to love a good roll in the hay, and many of them are quite freaky. However, do choose wisely as redheads oftain come with a remarkable Irish temper.

Some examples include: Emma Stone Lindsay Lohan (pre rehab) Isla Fisher Julianne Moore (pre menopause) and Jessica Rabbit
Dude 1: Hey man, check out that smokin' hot pip!

Dude 2: Yeah, she is a fox. I can't help but wonder if the carpet matches the drapes...
by IdyllicLyfe January 20, 2011
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