The act of spelunking is mysterious. Many define it as such: a man does a little booty diving followed by immediate removal of the penis and placement back into the girls (now warm) poon.
Luke called Allison on Friday, enticing her with the promise of a hot night of spelunking.
by onecrazymofucka March 1, 2006
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1. Using your penis to explore a woman's vagina, or "cave."
2. To ejaculate.
1. "Did you spelunk Callie's cave last night?"
2. "Yessir. Spelunked on her chest, on her face, a little on me...I showed her my dripping stalactite alright."
by tripleovertime99 December 1, 2009
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To engadge in anal sex with another person.
Nick went spelunking with Jen before he nailed her.
by Da Beave September 3, 2005
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According to Lincoln, it's some kind of caveman.
That spelunker just ate a mammoth.
by Tom Jones December 12, 2003
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Derogatory term for a diminutive sexual parter (male or female) who performs oral sex on a much larger, usually exceedingly overweight, female partner.
Man, did you hear about Katie's spelunking trip last night?
by Wick Felterman June 15, 2009
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1)The act of fucking one in one of many positions 2)Hitting someone 3)Word to replaced many words.
"Dude, last night I spelunked Mac in the butt."
by A.R. McCumindabutt September 10, 2003
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