to be affectionate towards another person or animal or object
I'm snu'ing in this blanket!

Look at this puppy, it's such a snu!

:two people nuzzling heads: "Snuuu!"
by laylagrl April 8, 2009
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A stupid college freshman chick. Usually blonde, but could be brunette. Normally will be found in groups consisting of more than ten wondering the streets around campuses looking lost, really drunk, or just stupid.
Heres the scene.
From the porch of a college house you observe with a friend a large group of snuses walking by all drunk and stupid.
"Hey Tom, did you see all those snuses?"
"Ya I bet there were 20 or 30 of them, bet they get underages tonight"
"Lets go talk to these snuses and get some tail."
by Big Grizzle September 22, 2010
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(Sand Niggers United)
Gang started in the outskirts of Fresno. Was an infamous and corrupt gang which disbanded because of gang warfare in 2006. Gang fights over cocaine and other substance drugs caused this gangs downfall. In 2005 there was an all out gang war between PPG and the gang was demolished. PPG killed nearly an estimated 1,000 gang members of SNU ending all hopes of ever rebuilding. In the end of 2005, hoping to continue their regime SNU once again reunited to try and win back property seized from PPG. PPG ruthlessly ripped through the gang massacring over 230 members. The Gang disbanded for the last time and the war with PPG was one of the most influential and catastrophic wars of the 20th century resulting in a death toll of 1500.
Damn SNU got massacred last year.

Dude everyone knows PPG owns SNU.
by OG Triple OG November 12, 2007
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When you use snus and saliva mixes with the aroma of the snus. The saliva snus mixture flows into your mouth and is disgusting af
Guy 1: I have snus juice in my mouth
Guy 2: That's gross
Guy 1: *pukes*
by Kalle420 May 27, 2019
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When a male (typically of swedish dissent) is performing cunninglus on a female partner and slips a snus from his upper lip into the folds of her labia and/or cervix. The mucus membrane of the vagina absorbs the nicotine causing a pleasurable tingling (or occasionally stinging) sensation, and pussy high.
Hey Byorn, I slipped Tone a snus cooter last night when I was piss drunk at 4 am. She is gonna have pussy cancer in a week because that shit was extra stark.

Hey Byorn, when Tone came home from hot yoga class last night she told me I had to go down on her before she took a shower, or she would punch me in the cock. I had to slip her a mint snus cooter because that thing smelled like a fish market in mid-July.
by SnusOrDie October 24, 2010
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After an evening of snus use, once they are taken out you can enter a snus hole. This is a nicotine withdrawal so large you retreat into yourself and become lost in the snus.
“How many snus is that in your mouth?”
“I got 6 in, gonna be deep in the snus hole later”
by Krabarta January 12, 2021
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