1) One who starts a revolution; 2)a catalyst. A female manifestation of shrey.
Gandhi was the shrey of Indian independence.
by Neela December 28, 2004
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beneficial - worth giving credit for.
Sleep is shreyas to your health
by Shava September 20, 2005
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A generally Indian fellow with high regard for bringing his friends to the ground whilst chanting "COME TO MY CAVE!" He has exceedingly high grades, namely in mathematics, but lacks in ability in Phys. Ed.
by Smart_Truffles June 12, 2016
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A type of snake from India that acts harmless and innocent but ultimately bites the hand that feeds it.
Person 1: Can you pay back the debt you owe me?
Person 2: No, can you give me another loan?
Person 1: Wtf Shreyas
by Tongalong June 12, 2017
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A confident guy,sometimes cocky but overall a very understanding person.
He understands women to a great detail and is a good flirt.Kinda smart but not so much to make you feel bad
A very good friend with a great sense of humor
That guy is such a shreyas,he makes me wanna cum
by Your god;) November 26, 2018
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A hot and sexy, tall girl. she is very talented and loves to play guitar and sing. Every guy wants to be around her and is super attracted to her the moment they meet her. She is also manipulated by a lot of haters and has no friends. Even the older man is attracted to her. She is not influenced by materialistic things and is very intelligent and ambitious. Shreya is the type of girl every guy wants but no one can claim her. A beautiful scorpion female when hits her feet on the floor makes all the heads turn. she spends quality time taking care of her be it fitness or hygiene. Man with Initials 'R' 'B' 'U' 'V' 'A' 'S' 'T' 'P' 'K' are highly drawn towards her.
if you have Shreya, you are a lucky person dude.
Shreya is the sexiest woman alive.
by Rishabh1995 April 27, 2019
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A tall and sexy young guy who can get any girl he sees. He can laser anybody in cod, fortnite and any fps games. He basically has aimbot. Bad hair tho :(. but rocking a 12 inch and a 12 pack.
girl: Yo this guy is kinda hot
other girl: whats his name?
girl: his name is shreyas!
other girl: oml i want him
girl: no hes mine
other girl: fine just make sure he doesnt laser you in game
girl: yeh
by sttopidball6969 August 5, 2020
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