She is the most horrible person you never meet. You can never trust her. She will turn on you anytime of any day.
She is definitely a Shayla, did you see the way she talks about her.
by swagger_gurl 307 June 23, 2015
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The most basic bitch you'll ever meet. Tries to relate to everyone and is emotionally unstable.
God, that Shayla Hood!
by Shayla Hood November 7, 2017
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To be fake, to act as someone you are not. To act as if your perfect.
Stop being a Shayla
by Anonymous (boiiiieeee) February 18, 2017
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Shayla is just Shayla! She doesn´t care if she has to hurt someone´s feelings. Shayla is crazy and you better watch what you say to her because she will pop you in the mouth. Shayla is the type of girl to call you ugly laugh, and walk away. Shayla is a mean girl but is also very sensitive. She is a big cry baby but you must be very close to her if she cry in front of you. Shayla is a pretty crazy person so don test her at the wrong time because your feeling will get hurt.
Friend: Did you hear what shayla did?
You: No, what happened?
Friend: She popped becka in her mouth becasue she kept talking about her.
by Fragile_.dmoooo April 27, 2020
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A Shayla, also known as the walking meme, is a pain in the ass.
Phil: You know where Shayla is?
Jake: Nope, and I hope I never do.
by Possibly Asian October 3, 2018
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by Thot_h8r June 28, 2019
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A gay ass girl who be musty think she the shit and always get her ass beat and think she won she really a nasty hoe her momma fat and her sister scary her house dirty 😂😂🤮
Shayla got beat up by bopbop and thought she won and everybody seen it but she still denying it
by Lil birdy🐦🐦 April 11, 2018
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