used to reference to that hella cool dude in that jeans commercial with the leg thing;to be hella awesome
I do believe that the si senor commercial is very entertaining my good man.

Oh golly gee! That is so si senor commercial
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A cheesy middle aged balding man, preferably with the name Pedro or Santino. Slicked back hair and a sharp suit.
Oh my, That bloke is a right senor smoothie.
by HollyandTawny April 29, 2008
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A dude that is very senior in butt play and is Spanish
Oh hey, Senor Butt Stuff- Stacy said she had a great time last night
by elexxxers January 16, 2018
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A Super Duper Senor is someone in their 6th+ year of high school. After failing your Super Senior year, you are then referred to as Super Duper Senor. Please note that "Senior" is spelled wrong, because that's how stupid you are if you earn that title.
Guy #1: Dude, if Bill fails again this year, he'll be a Super Duper Senor.

Guy #2: Yeah, I know a lot of cool Super Seniors, but if you make it past that, you're pretty lame.
by xxguitarxmetalxx7 September 21, 2009
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The coolest Bean around. Senor is the definition of cool.
You " Wow that waffle is pretty cool
Me "That is senor cool beans approved"
by Coolinator May 8, 2010
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A Senor Chang is a snkey, conniving, manipulative, dirty slut, the worst you'll meet in your life. The will make you believe you believe that you hold a special bond until the fuck you in this with hot cheeto dust as lube. The are often of latino and again decent.
Also a whore that carries much STDS
Taylor Swift is such Senor Chang
by Llamas.united September 15, 2017
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"Hey! guess what?" "What?" "Senor Chicken Butt!!!"
by StitchHoffman September 22, 2023
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