Savanna is someone who is BY FAR the nicest girl in the world. She will always be able to make you smile, and every guy in the world should like her for her dark hair, brown eyes, and amazing dance moves. She is the perfect height for anybody because she is just the right amount of short. Everybody should love Savanna for her charming personality and generous attitude. She also tends to be best friends with a girl named Skylar who goes by Sky.
Sky: "You are the best friend in the entire world. I could never ask for someone better."
Savanna: "Thank you, but it really isn't nice to lie to people like that."
Sky: "Whatever. You're awesome. "
by me, duh! January 29, 2016
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Savanna is a girl with blonde hair and green eyes who feels she is not complete in a lot of ways bu she is a beautiful, crazy otaku. She often is sassy but quiet making smart comments if you are lucky to hear they are hilarious. She is into the Korean and the Japanese culture. She is such a history nerd and if you need an answer in class she's your girl. She often judges herself and tries to be as selfless as ever. She loves to bake and read so always get her when you can before she runs away.
Boy: That girl is insane!
Girl: That's Savanna for you!
by Biatchdearie February 24, 2018
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Normally a very attractive blonde. Known for being extremely sweet and charming. She can put a smile on anyone's face and people are always excited to see her. These girls are one in a million and any guy that can take her heart is a very lucky one. Downside is that they are normally taken.
by Kjk5 April 13, 2017
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She the most amazing person ever usually a brown or brunette haired girl with brown or hazel eyes she’s always nice to everyone except her friends she usually is most nice to her best friends unless you turn on her your life is gonna be bad never turn on a Savanna and she’s like a yandere a person who goes crazy for her crush she usually is truthful...
Guy 1 “she looks sweet with a good personality.”
Guy 2 “ back off she’s mine she’s also a Savanna.”
Guy 1 “chill dude
by F you puta December 8, 2019
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a flat, treeless plain

but also known as the greatest girl ever
many animals live in african savanna.

savanna is a very cool girl who considers herself to be an artist... but she needs work :)
by Vanns August 24, 2006
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Savanna is a bad bitch, with a kick ass personality. They can be a bit of a crackhead but that’s just them. Savanna can make you laugh your ass off every moment. If you have a Savanna make sure to keep her because she is a party
Savanna is such a crackhead
by Sexy sav November 4, 2019
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when applied to a woman it means very very SEXY! most savannas are one of a kind sexy girls so take them home on the first oporunity (if ya know what i mean) when you see them cause they have a tendancy to be loaners and hop from one guy to the next
Dude that chick's a savanna tap 'dat while you can!
by the man 27 April 24, 2008
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