A name given to a person, usually male and usually of Hispanic, Castellian or Peruvian descent. Usually people with the name Ricardo are bright intellectuals, sometimes antisocial,and generally badass (overall real nice folk).
Ricardo is a great guy, he's just quiet and misunderstood.
ricardo sid lit trinity ricky
Ricardo looks shy at first but he's such a badass.... he also has suck a Dick and I'm not talking about the nickname ^^.

ricardo sex penis cock badass genious dirty sanchez dick filthy ricardo clean ricardo
by no-homo December 29, 2009
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Ricardo is a Mexican descendant who has black hair brown eyes. Tall and has a great smile likes to hang out with his friends and play sports. He's is a very loyal friend and boyfriend he always has your back no matter what. If you need a shoulder to cry on he the guy to go to. So ladies if you ever meet a Ricardo don't be shy to talk to him
Allison: who is that guy over there he's is cute

Sofia: Oh he's Ricardo you should talk to him he's a great friend
by Latinlover432 March 8, 2021
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Ricardos are so sexy . They make you so happy but at the same time can be so stressful . They are usually tall and very artistic . They are always dancing , rapping or singing . They know how to treat a woman to an extent , some things they may need help on . They usually end up with girlfriends with similar interests and they both think alike. Ricardos are keepers and even if you hurt them they still find love for you. Don’t let this one go .
Ricardo is so cute 💓
his girl: yea i know 🤨
by Emily Hilfigier December 8, 2019
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Ricardo is a nice guy. He is always seems happy even when he’s not. He’s good to hang around and is a GREAT FRIEND! If you’re friends with a Ricardo, stay with them. If you’re dating a Ricardo stay with him FOREVER. He will do anything in his power to make his friends happy.
Look at Ricardo! He’s so happy all the time. I wish I could be happy all the time. *sigh*
by BubbaIsTheBest October 26, 2019
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A hot, sexy male that takes all there friends ex’s. has cake for days that everyone likes to touch. Friends know him as cutie with a big booty.
“Yo Ricardo got some cake
by RsauIcemCcrossY December 12, 2019
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He's a man who looks like a little potato
My cousin Alfred has a friend who seems to be a Ricardo
by kartoffel123444 May 8, 2016
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