A Prostitot is a tween/young teen who dresses like a prostitute
Wow, look at her fishnets - shes such a prostitot
by swaggylee June 26, 2014
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A young teen who dresses like an adult and is more developed than most people they're own age.
Stop looking at that prostitot like that, it's jailbait!
by ChefDom September 28, 2010
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A preteen female dressed in a fashion so as to solicit sex.
The middle school down the street has an abundance of prostitots, which leads me to believe that the principal is some sort of pimp.

I exclaimed to her that she was a shitty parent because she let her child run around like some sort of prostitot.
by jesus stomper December 1, 2009
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1. A term used to describe a very adolescent female with promiscuous tendencies. Not to be confused with teenage whore.

2. A very tasty food.
1. I can see that prostitot's G-string through her diapers.

2. Napoleon, give me some of your prostitots.
by schwauve December 18, 2010
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Young by age trying to be grown; Under aged with promiscuous behavior or feeling their sexuality and projecting it; Females under the age of 18 behaving promiscuouly, dressing promiscuously with chicken head or bird like tendencies etc.
A 14 year old girl who dresses like a stripper and acts like street walker is a prostitot.
by G Bracero March 12, 2010
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1. (n) a really hot girl who is also really young, between the ages of 5 and 14, usually.
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen used to be quite the prostitots.

Wow, your 12 year old sister would make a good prostitot!
by TheMayorAl August 30, 2004
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Little girls who dress like hookers, because they think it's attractive.. usually caught flaunting their wall-like figures.
by Daryl Kiera March 23, 2007
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