A subset of the psychological diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (P.T.S.D.) caused specifically by corporate culture’s unrelenting need for every fucking thing to be delivered “as soon as possible” (A.S.A.P.), without any fucking regard to what is reasonable, thus creating a withering climate of perpetual panic & psychological breakdown.
VP Marketing: “Where the fuck are my product renders.”
Art director: “Dave is working on that. He is on no sleep & his 7th coffee this morning. We are on it.”
VP Marketing: “I asked for them two days ago & I present in Paris in Wednesday. I NEED those hero shots now!”

Art Director: “I understand, & you will get them today. Phil needed the packaging colors addressed & bumped the renders - sorry.”
VP Marketing: “I don’t care about packaging. Let me talk to Dave. If you can’t manage your team, I will.”
Art Director: “Dude - Dave is this close to serious A-S-A-P-T-S-D, and is threatening to quit. Let me handle this.”
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I-D-P-L-M-A-L is a memory device to remember the order in which musical modes follow each other. A common way to remember this order is to remember the phrase "I Dig Phat Ladies - Mostly All Lesbian" which will help you to order the modes in the correct manner:

"Shit, dude! What mode comes after phrygian?"
"Just remember I-D-P-L-M-A-L! I... Dig... Phat... Ladies..."
"Lydian! It's lydian! Fuck, you are a pro!"
"Your cursing is beginning to sound like a locrian triad to me."
"The tritone."
"Why are you even in this class?"
by Billybobilly December 10, 2007
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The most overpowered thing that appears in games, and real life that will pwn things in fights, I'm not kidding it hits harder than a punch for Saitama.
2: Don't make me use the S L A P O F D O O M.
by DragonJJ April 23, 2022
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When you're so ridiculously bored, you decide to type qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, but with the letters spaced out. This is one of the final stages of a unnamed human being's boredom / procrastination. Now, i know why your're reading this, you typed it in, so enjoy finishing that 2000 word essay over the next 12 hours before it's due!
Ah, fuck it, I'm so bored I might as well just type q w e r t y u i o p a s d f g h j k l z x c v b n m in to my unnamed search engine to see what happens
by jake paul is a h e c c er February 9, 2021
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1234567890-=q w e r t y u i o p a s d f g h j k l ; ' ()/()z x c v b n m , . ()/() ~ !@#$%^(&*() _())+ { } : " | |< > ? is what you type on a keyboard when you get insanely bored.
Yesterday I got so bored that I searched 1234567890-=q w e r t y u i o p a s d f g h j k l ; ' ()/()z x c v b n m , . ()/() ~ !@#$%^(&*() _())+ { } : " | |< > ? on google and nothing came up so I put it in the Urban Dictionary
by Moonlit_Sky2712 September 13, 2020
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