A channel used on some IRC networks set up as a "trap" for Spambots. Once a user joins this channel, they will be automatically banned from the network.

Some networks use this channel to send annoying or troublesome users to - as this will also result in them being banned from the network.
* Now talking in #hell

Topic is "Welcome to #hell SPAMBOT"

*** K-Lined for 3 hours: #3221: Thank you for flying #hell express!
* Disconnected
by StarCodeKei March 26, 2007
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As hell: a phrase used to emphasize the extremeness of an adjective, usually added at the end of the sentence, after said adjective.
Por ejemplo:

Its cold as hell outside!

That kid is dumb as hell!

Ooo, that guy is hot as hell!

She is smart as hell!

As you can see, it never really makes sense. Really, is hell cold, dumb, or smart?
by Crop Duster 747 December 8, 2008
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1. A place or state of being of pain and suffering, sometimes also called Earth.

2. A afterlife believed in by Christians to be the place were Non-Christians souls go after death to suffer eternally for not worshiping their god; regardless of whether one leads a virtuous life and is a good person. They tend to go into a great deal more detail about Hell then Heaven in their literature. Hell is often pictured as being populated by lost souls, demons and fallen angels, chief of which is Satan. Hell is often seen by Christians as a place of torment and fiery pits of wailing sinners isolated from their god’s love.

(The word is taken from the Norse Goddess Hel even though it has nothing to do with the Christian version of Hell.)

3. Hell is also a mild cuss word.
1. I feel like hell this morning.

3. According to Christians I am going to Hell when I die because I am an Ex-Christian.

3. What in the hell are you doing?
by OneBadAsp October 26, 2006
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Expressing disbelief; total shock/disgust/incredibility of something to someone
Guy 1-Hey man, where are we?
Guy 2-Alabama
Guy 1-Aw Hell to the No!
by Wilson White September 19, 2004
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when you are strapped to a chair while wearing an itchy sweater, while at the same time having a wedgie, and being forced to stare at tubgirl while listening to nsync for the rest of eternity. the one positive thing is being able to talk politics with george dubya while watching satan rip up his anus.
i was sure i was in hell because of all the lawyers who were around
by clevelandsteamer September 17, 2005
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To completely give up or put off
I was going to ask irhpctas out, but the hell with it!
by Berticus November 6, 2003
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Hells no is worse then "Hell no." Hence the "s" after Hell.. which implies that that it is multiple Hells making it worse then only a single Hell.
Bro - Go to the Kenny Chesney concert with me
Me - Hells no. Kenny Chesney is a fag.
by SirLeche May 3, 2005
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