Socially awkward person, usually blessed with a gigantic ego, believes he is the best at what he does.
Usually pushes others down to value his own work!
Also blessed with ego-mojo-enlargement, when he boosts his own ego his mojo grows around 3inches!
neves: "hey guys, whats up? ohhhh guys check out how great I look while riding this magical unicorn!"
friends:"neves we are working, we have so much to do..."
neves: "yeah,sure,whatever...but i do look great, dude i'm fabulous"
by DerpDerpyDerp September 11, 2013
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The worst human to have ever lived.
Roberto Nevelis was the worst human to have ever lived.
by idkwhattoputhereso0000 September 29, 2020
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A very beautiful and talented actress! (yes she can ACTUALLY act...that's a rarity these days) She's very underrated and was probably more famous in the 90's. She'd still be higher up on the Hollywood Hierarchy if she lived in the U.S.
Neve Campbell lives in London. Those lucky Brits.
by edith88 March 27, 2012
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'Neve' also known as 'Neveronie' or 'Bad Bitch' is pretty in a YA novel/bella swan type of way. She radiates mysterious girl archetype energy that brings her alot of attention from everyone but not for the right reasons. Neve is beautiful but shes also a great at throwing ass, extremely insightful, and a great person. She is down for anything she is the ride or die you've been looking for. The one that is down for a stick n poke on campus, or going to the beach at 1 am, she is the color yellow and you are Vincent v Gogh. If you treat her right then you know you have a partner in crime forever.
I love Neve she is such a chill person.
by Teddylina55 August 5, 2020
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The GREATEST and HOTTEST Scream Queen of all!!!! ALL HAIL!!!!
I had a boring night, and then Neve Campbell walked into the room. BOY! That brightened my day!
by Taylor March 17, 2005
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Goddess actress who all mortals shall bow down to in awe
Wow look at that Neve Campbell. A Goddess on earth!
by Homme Bik March 11, 2004
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Typically derived from the ancient Hindi scriptures meaning “the almighty one.” This involves but is not limited to, possessing the skills of a lax god. Shaped by the lax world, one of this description is comprises of monumental attributes in addition to naturally good looks. Through recent research and rigorous studies, this is a genetic blessing that is passed down for generations. Therefore, one cannot be taught these ways as they are natural born talents. Girls can never contain themselves when faced with a La Neve as they want to be with him as well as make him many sandwiches. Guys want to be him but most realize by age 10 that being a La Neve is virtually impossible except if your La Neve himself.
(n) "The midi's ability to be a La Neve carried his team to the NLL Championship."

(v.) "After the win, he went out for the night and La Neved the girls he found at the bar."

(adj.) "Dayum boy you’re looking so La Neve with that nice bod and outrageous flow."
by laxdawg14 June 1, 2010
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