A quiet person that sometimes you will forgot that she is there. Sometimes she is everywhere but at the same time she is no where. Marta is know as the weird person that no one knows.
Where is Marta??
by herfriendfelisha February 18, 2019
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Marta is a girl that is always there for you and cheers you up when youre sad. Shes often blond and has a cute personality! <3
How can Marta be so happy all the time!?
by pippi långstrump September 10, 2018
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A type of person who talks way too much. They can't hold a conversation, and if you see their name on your caller ID you feel like shooting yourself. But you like to stay their friend because they're really fun at parties. They also can bring your mood up 24/7.
Girl 1; I hope that girl is coming to the party tonight.

Girl 2; Whyyy?

Girl 1; Because she's a total Marta!

Girl 2; SWEET!
by Sake(: October 24, 2009
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a super hot croatian chick who hates her life and wishes she could drive
marta: "oh man, i hate my life! i wish i could drive!"
by znas tko... ;) December 29, 2005
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The most schmutzig girl in all of zee world
Guy 1: Oh that girl she is a Marta. Sehr Schmutzig ja!
Guy 2: oh ja?
Guy 1: jaa!
by g dog 1 April 10, 2019
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Marta blocks cocks like a man with no socks.
by Marta July 15, 2003
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Bro:"yo do you know that sexy asf girl"
by ꈤꀤꁅꁅꍏ March 2, 2020
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