A tall gangly person usually lacking grace and coordination. Sometimes results in the athlete being hidden by their team in positions of less vital importance. Even more likely that they occupy the position of “left out”
“Sometimes we stick Hannah out in right field so her lanky ass doesn’t fuck up the game”
by icedtj December 17, 2017
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He is a tall figure and very slim. He likes to copy others clothes or shoes like vapourmax utility’s. He does this as he only wears adidas
“Lanky Figure, i’m going to get these shoes for christmas.”
“oh i’m gonna get them as well because i like to copy people.”
by Jackstan December 22, 2019
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A tall person who looks like a twat,
They are also gay
Alex is a lanky cunt
by Bob6942069 December 1, 2019
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An affectionate term used for abnormally tall individuals who present no muscular definition whatsoever. It can be used both platonically and romantically in given contexts but is used for endearing yet comical purposes.
by QuirkyBanana69 April 17, 2020
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a male of very long limbs and in general body parts *wink*
He's my lanky boi
by wristytumor January 26, 2018
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A demon personified, if hell was real, lanky kong would be the ruler. There are no words to describe just how fucked up this evil monkey is. Those who look into his soulless eyes for more than a minute are never seen again, only there screams will be heard where they witnessed him. You can't run from him, his arms are unreasonably long for an ape. His first kill was reported on November 22nd, 1999.
anon #1: Hey what happened to Jerry?
anon #2: lanky kong got him last week and I haven't seen him since.
by Yung_Jimathan October 17, 2019
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Lady Lankiness is someone who’s legs are 10ft. They are very rare. If u see someone like this make sure to say ello lady lankiness bowing down to them. This is very common in gingers called Lynsay
Lynsay Alison is a lady lankiness
Did u see lady lankiness legs
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