When one man eats extra spicy chili and takes laxatives and shits diarrhea into a bucket. Then puts it out in the sun on the hottest day to marinate for a week. He adds water to desired consistency: then place some into a syringe. He then inserts it into someone’s ass and packs it as much as possible: then the man has anal sex with the person and cums inside. The person then shits out the mix into a pie crust. Serve and enjoy.
My ass is still red and hurting from that jalapeño chili popper from last night.
by DirtyThirty57 May 28, 2019
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When a girl give you a blowjob and you finish in her mouth then smack her across the face.
Man last night i gave my girl a Cincinnati Jalapeño Popper. it was freaking hilarious!
by cinciguy010101 July 29, 2011
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Eating fresh Jalapeño in the morning to communicate with the afterlife.
Does Dave seem different lately? “Yeah he’s been more spiritual now that he practices jalapeño breakfast.”
by Portemento July 22, 2021
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Somebody low on the autism spectrum. Similar to the placement of a jalapeño on the Scoville scale for measuring hot peppers.
"I'm not maxed out in the autism, I'm more jalapeño autistic."
by GKH1220 October 26, 2022
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Licking the vagina after rubbing jalapeño sauce on your lips.
"Dude I jalapeño licked this girl so hard last night"
by Krunpas November 14, 2016
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1. A phrase you make up a definition for because your bored as fuck.
2. When your ankle is in so much pain, that it feels on fire
Person 1: Give me a random word
Person 2: jalapeño
Person 3: ankle
Person 1: uh ok
Person 1: Damn I got a jalapeño ankle!
Person 2: what the fuck is that?
Person 1: I saw some loser define it on Urban Dictionary. Apparently it means when your ankle hurts a lot.
Person 2: oh... What a loser
by Mii Simp February 19, 2021
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