1st term-Slang non developed fetus
2nd term-penis with a non developed foreskin.
First term-Pregnant women: I have a jake pauler

second term-male fetus: I have a jake pauler to mom
by Jake paul is cancerous December 15, 2019
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An official terrorist group made of 4-10 year old kids, also going by names like "Team 10" which is the number of all their IQ combined
-"Some kids came on my YouTube video criticizing Jake Paul and dislike bombed it and commented with bad grammar and kindergarten insults"

-"Oh dude you just got attack by the Jake Paulers
by PoiZonFX August 9, 2018
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DUMB BRAINWASHED 10,11,12 Year olds supporting a idiot called jake paul they need help and stop supporting team 10 because theyre stupid and idiots jake paul sucks and so do the jake paulers give your mom's phone back
by Yadhira930 January 11, 2018
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a bunch of brainwashed 10 year olds that support a liar/snake
a jake pauler is a brainwashed 10 year old
by cccccccloutgangCLCLOUTGANG September 19, 2017
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Brain dead 10 year olds who support a stupid, talentless cunt named Jake Paul.
Aaron: These kids are so fucking ignorant and retarded.

John: They must be Jake Paulers
by fingeryourownbutthole October 14, 2017
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Jake paulers are a group of minions who buy merch from a 19 year old (who is already balding) named Jake paul but people with an iq higher than 5 know his as Snake Paul, he has an ex named ALISSA VIOLET that slays his existence but he hurt in both physically and mentally, I personally don’t understand jake paulers, jake paulers could also be an offensive work against some people
+ omg he looks like a jake pauler
- okay lets not talk to him
by FkJakePaul June 17, 2018
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Little 6 year old who are dumb brainwashed and think snakebitch is pretty.
Do not become a Jake Pauler, If you love Jake Paul and Team 10, nobody loves you there lying
Jake Paulers are dumb, Jerika 4 never
by Ricegum4lyf July 25, 2018
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