A skinny joint or rollie, called a greyhound because of it's slimness. Usually rolled just before pay day when the mix bowl is a little light-on.
"Pay day tomorrow John? This one's a greyhound!"
by Ratha Nisan April 26, 2008
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the act of losing your mind and killing someone, while riding on a Greyhound bus.
While riding across Canada, the loner went absolutlely greyhound and killed this dude and cut off his head!! He totally went Greyhound!!
by chopperzz August 8, 2008
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To cut off someone's head, To completely decapitate someone.
If you don't shut up I am going to greyhound you.

Wow you sure greyhounded him.

by Tyler The Nazi August 25, 2008
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one whom has ben around
Damn,that girl Dana is such a greyhound!!!!!
by F#%K-N-VUKE November 15, 2005
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a drink mixed with grape juice and vodka(GREYgoose) usually a 2:1 ratio. They get you moving . . .
Damn im 3 greyhounds deep, i hope my dick still works tonight.
by j-Plane February 8, 2007
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To stab and behead someone. Derived from the Canadian news story about a passenger on a greyhound bus beheading someone with a knife.
I hate my job so much that I just want to greyhound myself.

That guy looks psycho - he looks like he might greyhound you any moment now.
by Tylderdruden August 6, 2008
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greyhound.. What u call ur m8
Hows it goin greyhound

Not bad lad.
by Nially October 15, 2007
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