A reference to a player taking the name of bofa in an online game. This name is normally taken by someone with a small dick to try to make themselves feel better about their real life by insinuating they have large nuts. They typically like to troll other people, and without fail, always have supreme persistence and extremely low intelligence. This name originated from someone who could not even bother to properly spell "both of", so you get an idea of the intelligence you are working with by that alone.
"That guy Bofa is certainly an idiot..." "Of course he is...what do you expect from people who cannot even form 2 letter words?"
by ilKhan Long Dong Hong August 30, 2015
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Bofa : noun. (bow- FUH). 1) Breath Of Fresh Air 2) Big Ol' Freakin Ass 3) Bank OF America.
this word can be used in situations when refering to hot guys, without them knowing.
for example:
maria- man! i'm having an awful day!
kelsey- yeah for real, i think i bombed that chem test!
maria - me too!!
( bofa comes up says hi and hugs us and hangs out with us.)
kelsey - talk about a bofa! (see definition #1)
maria - mmmmhmmm ;)
by MamaBear93 April 24, 2011
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Bowel movement. Actually a term in clinical research for the Bowel Function Assessment.
MD: "Hey YK, BOFA #1?"

YK: "Nah, BOFA #2 - must be my high metabolism."
by YoungK June 28, 2006
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A slang reference to one's own testicles. Bofa- meaning both of, and deez- meaning these. Yes, I just did break it down like that.
some random chick: Hey, what's touching my shoulder right now?
some dude: Bofa
the chick again: Bofa?
the dude: Bofa deez nuts... biotch!
by Jo Dizzle August 31, 2006
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Is a joke used as a joke and to destroy all last hopes of living on the person who says who's Landon Bofa
Tall guy- Do you know who Landon Bofa is?
Short guy (Idiot) - No, who is Landon Bofa?
Tall guy- Landon Bofa deez nuts in ya mouth!!!!!!
Short guy- (He was exiled out of (existence)
by Papi_Son7741 May 21, 2021
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