These bugs are horrible! I need to use some BS!
by markmark529 February 7, 2004
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bitchslap; when bitches slap yo ass real hard
guy: you fuckin mufukin`-
girl: *slaps*
by jennie October 5, 2004
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Means baaawww story, mostly means an excuse(story) which in which the person doing it is in tears or incredibly sorry (or acts like it). Baaawww is the crying sound, usually combined here with puppy eyes.
You are late for class, I hope you got your BS ready.
by klcker January 20, 2009
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that's some real bs peter saltfleet!
by Dr. dos August 10, 2004
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a nagger, nuisance, and a creature of habit who tends to wear clothing of the blue color, mainly sweatshirts. This "thing" bugs and gets involved with everything around "it." BS's tend to be on the uglier side and its sexuality is normally questionable. Tendencies include budding into people's business, staring at butts (same or opposite sex) and being damned straight annoying.
is BS not here?!?!?!
by suaBSve April 19, 2011
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baloney surpreme
by urah November 4, 2003
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