oh he has that 33 on him
by Luipui October 3, 2019
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When in doubt it's a man. This internet rules applies to guessing the gender of a forum, chatroom, or instant messenger user.
When trying to figuar out a online users gender remember Rule 33.
by D.B.H. January 2, 2007
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The frequency at which sound waves induce orgasm.
Dude, Sally is either having a seizure or the 33 Hz works.
by illtickleurelmo November 14, 2009
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An imaginary day created by the Easter Bunny. There are so many great things about this day. Now, for one it's Februaury, which never goes past 29 days. Most months only go up to 31 days, so "32nd" would sound a bit more obvious. Something about 33rd makes it sound more like a real day. Think about it. If you heard a movie trailer that said "February 33rd" you wouldn't think twice about.
Wit' 'dis giant Easta' egg bomb, I'm-a blow ya' to 'de imaginary day of February 33, in which you'll be trapt' fo' all eternity.

by nickreaper September 4, 2012
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A female that claims to be a virgin, yet only 33% of her relevant orifices remain pure. How special can it feel to be the first through the front door when the entire football team has been through the back door and explored the chimney already?
"She says she's a virgin but she's totally a 33 percenter. Just ask her about when she blew Scronaldo under the bleachers, or when she let your boy ZK, Alpengeist, Booms, and Brandopolis put it in the back door!"
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people dream of a love like ours

our soul are one
twin souls we are
a divine & special love meant to be

love you - eternally

miss you - await im-patiently to be held by you

you are my divine & special 3:33 ❤
by it's me, my love... 💗🌷 October 25, 2023
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You put by accident “Rule 33” instead of “Rule 34” and pressed enter.
Man 1: I don’t know how to read and I typed Rule 33 instead of Rule 34
Man 2: a
by TheletterAE April 30, 2021
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