A girl that wants the fuck. The fuckgirl will have more social media accounts than fingers.
See that girl over there on both musical.ly and snapchat at the same time, she's a fuckgirl.
by DrunkNiggaOvaThere August 4, 2016
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A fuckgirl is a girl who friendly at first, and seems as if she has a genuine interest in you. Once you two start to get comfortable with one another and you tell her how you feel, she becomes distant, instantly making it seem as if you're the bad guy and cuts you off and blocks you on whatsapp, without any warning whatsoever. She is cruel hearted and has no love in her heart
Chuck: I really want to tell you something, I'm so nervous.
Kayleigh: sure :) what is it?
Chuck: I love you so much!

Kayleigh: *blocked*

Chuck: kayleigh blocked me, what should I do?
Sabrina: forget about her, she only wanted attention, shes a fuckgirl
by mayhemlad August 6, 2016
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Fuckgirl is the female equivalent to a fuckboy, will play with your head and have you thinking they really care. Might even go thru extremes to try to "prove" how much they care but they really just enjoy having you wrapped around their finger. A fuckgirl is someone who swears up and down they only want you, but is really talking to like 3 other people, lying about it and probably has you looking dumb as hell. She might even use you for entertainment when she's bored. Will definitely Lie about everything and really doesn't care if she hurts your feelings if she gets caught.
so you telling me that she had a whole baby daddy she was living with and never told you? But she said she was trying to start a family with you...? oh, yea she definitely a fuckgirl!
by TopTenKen November 29, 2017
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Fuckgirls often think they’re gods gift to earth or at least that’s what they want people to believe. They give short replies or one word replies. They probably have a bunch of guys added on Snapchat and Instagram that give them tons of compliments that they use to fuel their egos. They love attention even though they claim not too. They string along and use guys. They claim guys are often fuckboys but they’re no different. Being a Fuckgirl does not mean the girl is a hoe or that she hooks up with a lot of guys but they often will lead guys on with flirtatious behavior.
Maddy is a Fuckgirl.
by AlphaCyborg February 6, 2019
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A fuckgirl is exactly the same a fuckboy except shes way more slick she seems like the perfect girl she makes you feel super special but shes really an attention whore, a tease she think gods gift to the world. She changes squads as soon as they realize how she is which is like every 3 months. A Synonym to fuckgirls is Regina George
Dude seriously your talking to alondra?

Yea lol why?

Niqqa shes a fuckgirl!!
by Real niqqa shit October 13, 2016
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Just a typical trash girl who just only cares about Facebook and social media, cell phones, smart phones, and wastes her time taking selfies like it's life for her, giving no flying fuck about the world, herself and anything else, ignoring everyone and everything else while she's busy on her fucking cellphone and and doesn't give any flying fuck about it. Only likes and slobbers to men just because of their beautiful appearance and/or their wealth. Thinks that she is that better than anyone else, with a her fake "too good for you" mentality, thinks that world is always the same as her and thinks that everybody is the same as everybody and anything else.
do not even wate your time to a Fuckgirl
by TheKamikazeMonkeys October 28, 2016
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Can't keep a relationship together. Can't even make true love. Loving someone else during a relationship. A plain slut. Doesn't treat boyfriends right. Pathetic. Dates a guy every 1 month. The girl that always in a relationship she's always the one breaking up with the guy. Doesn't care about a boyfriend.
Girlfriend: omg i don't even like my boyfriend! I'm in love with someone else.
Girl (bestfriend of Girlfriend): That's wrong. You should love your boyfriend.
Girlfriend: -ends up breaking up with guy-

Girlfriend: Omg have you heard about that one famous guy?

Girl (bestfriend of Girlfriend): who?
Girlfriend: Dylan O'Brien (random person)
Girl (bestfriend of Girlfriend): yeah what about him?
Girlfriend: hes so hot! And dreamy! I think I'm in love with him!!
Girl (bestfriend of Girlfriend): don't you have a boyfriend? Go love your boyfriend not someone else, that's just plain wrong. You're such a fuckgirl
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