A butter dolphin is a type of dolphin that lives in butter, preferably bregott. It was discovered in "the suberbs" of sweden by a dolphin lover that liked to put dolphins in her butter.
"wow thats a lovely butter dolphin you got there, may i touch it?"
by butterdolphin00 December 12, 2016
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When one fucks up
I went to bed thinking she was a 10 then woke up and she was a 1, really had my foot in the butter.
by Foot_in_the_butter_girl June 27, 2018
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The act of having a white girl between too black men, Forming a nutter butter.
Fred:" Men i heard susie got Nutter-Buttered Last Night"
Josh:"Man, hope she can walk"
by Bradhawk315 December 14, 2020
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you wanna take a hit off my peanut butter banana tortilla? just one and you’ll be zooted
by fjanzjdnzjxhs March 2, 2021
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knees with fat on them that makes them look like melted butter; weird ass knees; fat knees
hey look at that girl's butter knee
by Winnielooplop August 4, 2017
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The act of buttering up your bald head and inserting yourself into a lady head first. Usually executed by a bald fat guy that somehow dates women wildly out of his league.
How does Tim pick up these hot chicks? They must be into butter doming.
by Badideasonly69 September 21, 2021
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