A fucking bitch ass piece of shit, he would say "I bang'd ur mom last night" as soon as he sees that you're not in jail, he's a fucking son of a bitch ass piece of shit, how the fuck has he lived this long, the American education system might be bad, but holy fucking shit is this piece of fucking bitch ass motherfucker fucking braindead fuck him. Just fuck him, everyone who supports him is fucking brain washed. His parents mutually fucking agreed to kill him when they gave birth to him. His father is currently trying to make a time machine to go back in time and give his former self a condom. Holy shit Donald Trump is going to fucking do something terrible next week isn't he?

Donald Trump is also that one kid in school who is a complete fucking bitch ass piece of shit, motherfucker, piece of shit that shouldn't be alive but there are always people protecting him, especially the racist teachers who are always talking about how much they hate "the blacks"

and as a Vietnamese who isn't affected as much as the people who is currently suffering under his lead, I want him to fucking burn, burn until he's nothing but ashes and keep burning, kill him, stab the ash, and drop a nuke on it, make sure that fucking face doesn't appear on earth again, fuck him, even Satan would be scared of this bitch ass.
1. "yo why are people making so much memes dissing your country?"
"it's because Donald Trump is fucking our country in the ass."

2. "that kid is so terrible, why isn't he expelled?"
"it's because SOME people thinks he's a Donald Trump"
by MaxGuyHere March 13, 2021
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Person 1: Hey you know who Donald Trump is?

Person 2: Orange.
by SupWavyHere September 1, 2021
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The 45th president of the united states of america. He is a republican who served between 2016 and 2020. He is most famous for being a businessman instead of a politician before ascending to the office of president, wanting to build a wall between the continental US and mexico to attempt to stop illegal immigration, and for having hair that is often confused for a tupe.
person 1: "hey bro, who you voting for"
person 2: i'm voting for Donald Trump"
by doc of derp May 22, 2023
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Basically a man with yellow hair going through his midlife crisis, whilst his supporters continue whining about his loss in the 2020 election.
Have you heard of hot garbage?
Oh, you mean Trump?
Donald Trump: A man with corny hair and a huge ego
by kanyewestforpresident December 13, 2020
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A super fat president and with a fake golden hair that stick on the top of his bread head, and he really think that China is a piece of shit just like him.
You fucking Donald Trump.
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