The crunk creeper is a creeper who constantly pursues booze that is not theirs in an attempt to make it so. The crunk creeper always is lingering around the refrigerator and/or ice chest in pursuit of fellow party dweller's booze. The crunk creeper will almost always deny the theft of the booze in question, and then dismiss the statement with the notion that there is a party going on.
*Crunk creeper takes beer out of fridge*

Tucker: What in the Sam Hill Fuck do you think you are doing man?

Crunk Creeper: Just gettin' a beer, whatdya mean man its a party?

Tucker: Crunk creeping bastards.
by Mr.Party April 22, 2010
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Ew, look that creeper keepers collecting dead frogs again.
by hioalsdfkasns March 13, 2011
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A sexual technique by which a girl pretends to be asleep or actually is asleep, followed by the guy "creepering" their way into the "sleeping" girl's private areas.
Sometimes used synonomously with the verb form "to creeper", the act of commiting creeper style.
Tommy: "Hey Bob, you get any action with that new girlfriend of yours last night?"
Bob: "I was up watching ALF reruns when she went to bed, but I creepered her before I fell asleep... so it's all good."
Tommy: "I hear yah, doggy style, creeper style... at least you have a chic."
by Monkey J Monk January 18, 2009
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A couple minutes before you take a big shit, you fart in your pants. When you pull them down, you get a big waft of that fermented fart.
Tim- "Did you hear that Dean dutch creeper'd himself last night?"
Brock- "Yeah, you gotta feel bad for him, that sucks."
by Insert Immature Name Here September 4, 2009
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An amazing type of weed. It takes a few minutes before you feel it...but once it happens it's like you were hit by a train...of highness.
Person 1 - I feel like I'm going to pass out.
Person 2 - That's because you smoked some creeper weed!!
by Green_hen October 16, 2009
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the creepiest of creepers. they lurk in the shadows of your neighborhood wal-mart, wendy's, community colleges, etc.
the creeper who is about 4ft tall, slightly balding, with orange skin.
sometimes shows up at your place of business and asks for "help" then proceeds to ogle you and undress you with his mind.
realli weird chicks(lyk your boyfriends ex) that you've never met who constantly look at your myspace page. then dont have the guts to say something to your face so they leave you "anonymous" hate mail and its obvious who they are.
in this case the best thing to do is to call that bitch on her cellular and tell her she ain't no superhero so there is no need for a secret identity.
my 2 top super creepers
kemra and dusty
super-duper creeps.
when i see them i cant help but sing dont fear the creeper to the tune of dont fear the reaper.
by CommanderCutie May 4, 2009
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When someone is too cute or attractive that skeevy people (Usually creepy, older men) constantly hit on them. Hence, they are called Creeper Candy because these men will usually keep coming back for more.
Selena Gomez is so gosh darn cute that nasty creepers will constantly hit on her, follow her, try to hit her up. That is why she's considered *Creeper Candy*.
by klyen October 14, 2010
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