The caged foul is so fowl it will spend it's whole life behind bars.
The caged foul eats mainly locally sourced Bison grass.
by I love lamp June 24, 2021
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Yup after aaaaall of that there is a cage thing today.
God "Lucifer... I need a favor..."

Lucifer "Oho! But it's not 'Lucifer' it's... Wait... Lucifer? Lucifer! Yes! That's exactly what it is! Sweet, sweet music... Lucifer... ๐Ÿ˜Œ It just rolls off the tongue... Lucifer... Like the morning dew off a blade of grass... ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ’จ Now... What do you want?" ๐Ÿ˜‘

God "Look... I need you to give Abraham a message."

Lucifer "What the hells an Abraham?"

God "Oh he's dope! He's like the oldest bastard you ever DID see man. He's like 180!"

Lucifer "They don't live that long-"

God "He's... He's pretty old."

Lucifer ๐Ÿคฆ โ™‚๏ธ "You're... You're not great with time are you?"

God ๐Ÿคจ "Time?"

Lucifer ๐Ÿคจ "How long did it take for you to make all the orbs?"

God "Umm... I donno like 7 days? Er, wait I took a nap on the 7th day sooo.... 6? 6 days." ๐Ÿ˜

Lucifer "Oh wow that's... That's not even close-"

God "Are you going to take the message or not?"

Lucifer "Yes yes what is it..."

God "Tell him that I'm going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah... Just... raze that place to the ground..."


God "And take Michael with you."

Michael "Hello." ๐Ÿ˜‡

Lucifer "You ruined it immediately... This cage sucks..."
by Hym Iam February 23, 2023
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A device or apparatus worn by an individual to protect their anus.
Amy was tired of Ben fingering her ass, so she wore a rim cage on their date.
by George Washington1 April 14, 2016
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A unit of measurement for how big of a fuckboi a guy is. It is measured by the number of Nicolas Cage memes are sent in response to gross or inappropriate messages or images before they stop responding.
This guy that was messing with me was gross. He was a 6 on the Cage Index.
by kevinchong January 13, 2017
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Situation in which an endless loop of an event (whether that be an activity, a day, a week, or any other period of time) is perpetuated from the standpoint of one cell (usually a person, in fiction) so that they can tweak details of the occurrence (or have them tweaked by other factors) in order to achieve a goal.

This can be both good and bad, in the sense that it's for a good cause, or it's a nightmare trap for some unfortunate victim.
P1: The movie Primer has a serious case of Hypercell Cage Syndrome, as exuded by the end in which an inordinate amount of time (and unknowable number of retries) is spent in perfecting an action during a party to prevent a potentially negative outcome.

P2: How so?

P1: One of the main characters uses a homemade time travel device to loop the same event.

P2: Oh, I see. I'm going to go spam that term on fb now.
by bundillion May 11, 2012
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"in the cage" is a term used when gossiping about a friend or acquaintance that has been sent to jail (usually county; but could be State or Federal Prison)
Nikki: " Did ya hear about Jim? He is doing 6 in the cage from that fight at the bar."

Sandy: " Ooo, he's too pretty for jail. he will be ready to party when he gets out. I'll be waiting."
by Tonka's plaything June 13, 2012
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