One who wears a Hawaiian shirt and tactical gear
by SirDan2020 September 27, 2020
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When you meet someone and you want to greet them properly
Random guy: “do do dooooo” You: Sup bro
by MarioMax12345 April 15, 2022
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A bro who has gone to the dark side. This bro is obsessed with star wars so much that the syth has taken over him mentally.
bro #1: dude, did you see that bro-syth at the convention?
bro #2: yeah man, his bro-ness demolished the brodi clean out of the building.
by m1a1 abrams August 8, 2010
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girl #1: lets hang with phantom bro

girl #2: no no, he’s karlas
by weird ass bitch December 24, 2018
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A word commonly used back in 2016 to upset many people over the cringe. If you wanted to make someone weirded out or annoyed just list this word.
Wassup Jake , Yeet-Dab-Bro

If you are using it in the sense of 2-3 people
Person 1: Yeet Person 2: Dab Person 3: Bro

Commonly used by people 11 or lower in 2021-but some may use it more to make fun of the fact it exists.
by Bella G-H December 14, 2021
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Kinda like eskimo bro's but instead it consists purely of incest with your siblings and or parents. They also tend to ditch their only friends for the sake of their brothers cocks in their mouths or ass for the sake of sexual satisfaction. Some of these males may be even virgins to the opposite sex, but that doesn't bother them because of the fresh glaze of ticky cum juice that gets splurted onto their faces.
Sorry man can't hangout tonight, getting Shanny Bros tonight (;
by Skinny Shanny September 6, 2022
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