A group of close friends that you drink Kool-Aid with. Also, a song by the popular hip-hop group, "The Children of the Street."
John: I just made a pitcher of Cherry Kool-Aid. Do you want to come over and drink it with me?
Fred: Yes, I'll join your Kool-Aid Krew for the evening.
by Donny Mattingly April 11, 2011
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Origin: Lutheran

CHERRY (and only cherry) Kool-aid mix WITH the sugar AND 1-1.5 more cups of sugar added. Often paired with Oreos.... and then Dodgeball. #PraiseJesus
You don't need alcohol or drugs, you will be flying high enough on church lady kool-aid.
by kisserT September 4, 2022
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When you eat you’re girl out and she’s on her period.
Brad was Kool-Aid Sippin Katelyn last night.
by DavidMFDaniels January 23, 2020
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Man, this colds been kicking my ass. Been taking shots of Houston Kool Aid all day today.
by somebodythatyoudontknow October 16, 2018
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"Don't Be Kool-Aid Minded" is a term used as a loving reminder or warning to a person who is demonstrating behavior that is viewed as foolish, dangerous, or insincere. This term is used to admonish individuals who exhibit a lack of critical thinking, preference for conformity, and an overemphasis on superficial or materialistic values. The admonishment is also directed at individuals who show a tendency to break commitments, engage in gossip, or display duplicitous behavior. Its usage is often intended to encourage a more thoughtful, independent, and authentic way of living and interacting with others.

KoolAidMinded, CriticalThinking, Authenticity, EndearingReminder, LifeAdvice
"Seeing her son being led astray by superficial friendships, the mother gently advised, 'Don't be Kool-Aid minded. Real friendships are based on trust and authenticity, not popularity.'"
by The Scarcodian Slanguage July 14, 2023
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