The act of creating a book.

It can also be, the act of getting a new friend.

It's uncommonly used as a replacement for the F-word
(As a friend)
"I got a new frick!"

or, book wise,

"I did a frick!" / "I fricked!"
by iiItszUrBoiii March 8, 2020
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The most offensive and dangerous curse word available. Only used by the biggest pair of balls in the mild mild east
Man, frick you stan that was my kill
by Twingles April 11, 2020
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A way people can curse without getting the mean look and show emotion
Person 1:Oh frick! That kid just killed me
Person 2:Ugh, again!? Fine, I’ll res you
by Urban dictionary ㅤ April 7, 2022
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Every child/manchild/family friendly youtuber’s way of cursing without getting hate.
Person 1: Holy frick! I won a million bucks from the lottery!
Person 2: I paid so give.
by Urban dictionary ㅤ April 7, 2022
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The word that’s commonly used to replace Fuck when your mom comes in .
Son:what the f
Mom walks in
by Dherky February 17, 2022
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A swear word that 9 year olds use on someone who pushed him, you cant use it on a christian minecraft server, you cant say heck or frick. It also does not describe sex.
9yearoldgamer: frick

Banned from server
by Jesus69Christ November 1, 2019
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What little siblings and kids that aren't allowed to swear use in favor of........the f-bomb? Frick, I wish I could say it.
by Harry Tessa Tickle III December 3, 2022
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