To wreck or have an accident especially after talking junk with peers
by Kram69 July 28, 2020
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When you’re really high and you’re folded like laundry.
Hey man... i’m really folded.
by ilickballsforfree November 3, 2019
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to be so drunk you can't function
bruh Javon is so folded right now he had 30 shot of Bombay
by gotdankhmu September 11, 2016
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Getting that ass folded (body wise) during intercourse
“That shy ass hi you gave his mom before you went in his room and got that ass folded

“Ain’t no reason I’m getting folded like this, there just no way “
by PhattyBanana July 7, 2021
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Having your brain folded is when you or a specific person says something so stupid you can’t believe
Person 1: Bro why do they call them strippers their close are already off

Person 2: Are you serious man your brain folded
by TNewman1234 August 11, 2017
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A slice of bread added with spread, then folded in half and eaten.
A: What did you have for breakfast?

B: Just a bread fold with nutella.
by cookiewings May 25, 2017
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