When one accidentally does something on an electronic device leading to an unintended consequence such as looking something up you didn't mean to or sending a text you didn't mean to.
John: I just boomer clicked and somehow sent my ex girlfriend a text
by BoomerMan69 December 24, 2019
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People born towards the end of the baby boomer generation. Although they rode the coattails of the Golden age before them, dodged drafts, fought in no great wars, missed out on the civil rights movement. They let their political indifference and let greed consume them through midlife they now find themselves in the uncomfortable position of passing all the problems they created on the next generations without shouldering any of the responsibility. MAGA is their slogan but they had no part of making America great in the first place and surely won’t help its future.
“Man, David sure is a crotchety old geezer, isn’t he? All he does is whine about how the world has gone to hell but his generation is what brought us here.”
“Yeah he sure is a crybaby boomer
by BranMcRay May 2, 2019
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The tantrum thrown by grown middle to upper age white males and females who feel as if they have earned the right to always get their way and should be seen as superior to all others.
Karen pitched a boomer fit when the hairdresser told her they had no available appointments until the following week.
by T9J94x4 September 21, 2021
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When the non-boomer comes in contact with a boomer, the non-boomer will give advice to the boomer to "detox."
Boomer: I can't seem to learn how to function a computer.

Non-boomer: Sounds like you need a boomer detox.
by helloitsmeyourmom November 18, 2019
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Boomer Bronson is sometimes a cool guy. He is clearly in love with Carly Montevera even though he may seem like he likes other girls and that he is a player but really he is- or was a nice guy. He used to go by Barney Bronson. He wore glasses and a bowtie. He changed due to popularity but he changes back due to the fact that Carly missed the old him. Portrayed by Kolton Stewert in both Prom Queen: The Musical when it was at the Segal Center and Theatre Calgary's production of The Louder we Get
Person: Did you see Boomer Bronson last night? He looked so hot
Me: Yeah, but he's clearly in love with Carly Montevera
by treeboi hansen March 16, 2020
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Any bet that ultimately results in the loss of monetary assets
i can't pay for my green fee due to all of my boomer bets.
by Cody McSoftinhair October 1, 2017
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Boomer folklore is a term used to describe ideas and conceptions about the world, held by those who we may consider "boomers", which are not necessarily accurate depictions of reality - think 'old wives tales' but the modern description.
Gen Z 1) "Bruh my boomer parents think that the government detect the signals coming from your house, if you're watching TV without a TV licence, do you think that's true?"

Chad Gen Z) "My bruh, don't listen to them, that's just boomer folklore."
by The Booty Wizard March 26, 2022
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