bet that

Bet that means " good deal " or " thats cool "
"yes "
Mike: You want to get somthing to eat?

Jones: bet that nigga
by mike jones March 20, 2004
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bet that

n. 1)an answer in the affirmative
2)an answer in the negative, usually used in the sarcastic affirmative tense.
Ex 1
Mike "Manny, you want a beer?"
Manny "Bet that, puto!"

Ex 2
Chris "Manny, are you any good at badminton?"
Manny "Bet that, puto!"
by Mexico Brown October 11, 2005
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bet bet

Bet bet = great,Alright,cool,awesome
Do you want to meet and go out later? Answer OK bet bet!
by YoMama79 February 2, 2016
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Bet is another word for ok or it can be used in 2 different ways.
Daniel: See you next week Yourself: bet
Daniel: You won't talk to Anna you're a pussy Yourself: Bet
by AceB16 September 16, 2017
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In response to a statement.

Slang for Fa sho, which is slang for For sure; which means Sure or Okay.

(Derived slang from the 1980's.)
"All set homie."


"Everything is set, my friend."
"For sure."
by CheyCity October 2, 2015
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To understand, acknowlege, roger etc.
Jamel: Ayo, ima go to the store, aiight?
Marquise: Bet.
by chab0y918 July 26, 2005
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a term for ok
your friend says "lets go fuck hookers and do cocaine" you say " bet"
by Ccfanin713 June 13, 2016
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