The act of putting peanut butter on one's genitalia in order to have an animal give you oral sex.
Dude you really need to stop with the Peanut Butter Farkle!
by Firestorm108 August 5, 2010
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n. root cowchair: a girl with a nice body you would bone but has a "butter face", so you might have to paper bag her to keep it up.
Girl with hot body:(turns around)
Guy 1:"Uggh.. cowchair in the butter!"
Guy 2:" Holy crap yeah."
Girl: "I read Urban definitions!" (runs away crying)
Guys: "Wait I've got a bag!"
by Porkbutter April 10, 2007
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To be viciously bitten in the genital region by a canine animal, with or without slathering peanut butter on the genitals beforehand.
My brother got peanut butter-ed after dog-sitting for his neighbour, it put him in the hospital!
by PantyPanda April 4, 2021
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A state of being unable to understand and follow a conversation whether because it is in a second language or one has a short attention span.

Highly relatable to Confused Asian Syndrome.
Person #1: I'm not sure about you, but personally I really enjoy a good chevre. I love its sour taste.

Person #2: No way man, for me it's classic American cheddar all the way. What do you think?

Person #3: huh?

Person #1: Just forget it man, she's totally peanut buttered.
by Duck Darth Dick June 18, 2013
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A giant turd that leaves a stain on any toilet when flushed that resembles peanut butter.
Johnny sure upset the janitor when he left a peanut butter Charlie in the church toilet.
by Rama Rama stefano June 21, 2016
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Butter pressed into a backwards turkey mold so when it is extracted it has taken on the form of an ungodly ugly but delectable animal.
Dude, hit me up with a butter pad for this naked roll!
by akray July 19, 2010
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