When he / she says something so stupid your eyes flicker back and you enter full Harvey price moment

For example
Aaron “Yo Tom I am going to ruin redemption 2 ending to josh , tell me what happens at the end?”
Tom - “your going to ruin the game for ur self”
Aaron “oh yh
*Aaron has entered full Harvey moment*
by toms memes November 2, 2018
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when you realize you fibbled the bag.
Friend: "Bro what happened I thought you guys were dating."
Me: "On god a dickballs moment."
by superbigpenis9000 May 11, 2022
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The perfect descriptor for when a weird friend says something kinda good for the first time in a long time and you don't really know how to react so it just becomes a waterfowl moment.
Person 1: "I don't know man. These Lunchables are kinda shitty and I regret getting, like, thirty of them. Do you want any?"
Person 2: "We should give them to people that need them. like the homeless or people who invested in Warner-Bros."
Person 1: "That, that was actually a really good idea. But where the hell did that Warner-Bros. thing come from? Can you walk me through that?"
Person 2: "...no"
Person 1: "Waterfowl moment."
by N1ght89 October 10, 2022
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When you have been drinking heavily and are having a great time, when suddenly you become extremely nauseous.
I was dancing at the frat party last night when I had an oh no moment and puked all over the pong table.
by mayanaze April 16, 2022
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