Usually your gay friend in the group that goes extra on Halloween. The gay lemon dud that is a little spooky.
Look at Joshua. He's a little spooky lemon this halloween
by Unanny November 23, 2021
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When you shit yourself in your sleep and you are so frightened that you wake yourself up, in a panic.
Dana: how’d you sleep leah?
Leah: dude, not good. I had a spookie dookie.
by MermsLovesAn4l March 22, 2022
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A Spookie Dookie, not to be confused with a Spooky Dookie, is the result of eating far too many Paqui Haunted Ghost Pepper chips. As the name suggests, these chips will haunt your bowels, resulting in a corporeal form of Afterburner to linger.
John: Dude, are you alright?

Mike: Yeah… I ate an entire bag of ghost pepper chips last night and just dropped a Spookie Dookie. I’m feelinthe heat.

John: You’re a dumbass.
by Nikki Sevenn August 30, 2022
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The ring of a mob boss. Legend says it glows in the dark and looks like a spida. You must kiss the spooky spida ring if you ever encounter it. If you instead decide to eat the spooky spida ring, it will be seen as a sign of disrespect, and you will get da sappy hand.
"I ate the mob boss's spooky spida ring"

"Did you get da slappy hand"

by Strange snail May 19, 2021
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the one and only real spooky liru fucker that fucks lirus during the spooky month (october) also i fuck lirus on every other month too exept im not spooky
beta alisa fan (real) (gab): holy sdhit its the spooky liru fuclker how could this happen
chad spooky liru fucker (real): haha youre mom
beta alisa fan (real) (gab): *dies instantly*
by the real liru fucker October 6, 2021
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When you are taking a shit on the toilet and are getting head, Blow your load, Stand up and see there is no poop but you know you totally pooped (AKA THE GHOST POOPY)
Damn babe that blumpkin felt great but where is my turd? I'm scared this is a Spooky Blumpkin
by Convoluted1 September 30, 2021
To start the game, you must gather a group of friends and enter the bathroom with a dim flashlight. After you turn off the lights, each of you will take turns pulling off articles of clothing. Once everyone is bare naked, you must take turns taking dookies on the floor in a pile. After everyone has dookied once, you take turns smelling the dookie pile. If you refuse to dookie/smell the dookie, you're out. If the game proceeds to 10 rounds, you must have a dookie off, whoever can produce the most dookie in an hour wins. The losers must eat the dookie while the winner watches.
Yo Connor, Erik, Matthew, Francisco, Ryan yall wanna play a lil game of Spookie Dookie or what?
How many dookies can you make?
Are you any good at Spooky Dookie????
Spooky Dookie (The Game) is fun.
by penislicker42069420 November 3, 2021
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