The hottest and sexiest cod editor ever. Guys want to be him, and girls want his body. Anybody is more than lucky to have a Jack, especially a Jack Rizzo in their life. You would be mentally challenged to not want to turn gay for him.
"Did you hear People magazine named Jack Rizzo the sexiest man alive?"
by Evan's Memes December 3, 2015
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Jack is a sexy man who gets chicks all the time. The chicks love to rub and gloss his sexy abs. Jack is the type of man that is a fullback in football and a great hockey player(goalie).Jack is just such a beast!!!!!!
You are kinda like Jack
by George Kyrickson November 16, 2016
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A boy between the age of 14 - 17 who has a massive penis and is smart cool and has amazing friends and one in particular who Has the best eyes ever and is a cool person
Wow he is such a jack Wright what a massive one
by Josh mystery July 3, 2017
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