A person with obvious caters and decay in their face and teeth. They’ve clearly had a long term relationship with methadone or heroin. They are past the point of no return.
I feel so bad for that woman that just walked by she had resting meth face
by Tittytata April 2, 2020
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Only the most serious condition of resting bitch face possible; the superlative of when a person, usually a girl, who naturally looks mean when her face is expressionless, without meaning to.
Karen, Jane and Christina all suffer from resting bitch face, but only Karen wins the prize of resting Melania face.
by Sun Chaser January 19, 2021
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What you smilingly reply if a concerned passerby stops next to where you're exhaustedly sprawled out beside da road and asks if you need help.
Motorist, slowing down next to where a pedestrian is lying flat on da sidewalk: You sick or hurt, Buddy??
Pedestrian, giving a casual and appreciative flutter of his hand: Nah --- just resting --- thanks for stopping to check on me, anyway, though!
by QuacksO March 22, 2023
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A female and or ( it ) who constantly talks with an attitude , and talks super ratchet but says their not when you call them out on it . That person will most likely also have a resting bitch face 87% of the time , also whenever you say they talk with an attitude they will say there not with attitude
Guy: Hey! Why do talk like that ?
Girl: talk like what ?

Guy: talk with (Resting Bitch Talk )
Girl: No the fuck I dont go away
by McNasty1101 March 2, 2018
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if ur a gymnast you and only u can relate to jumping in a pit and getting foam all over u
i did 50 tuck jumps and i have rest balls all over me
by resi balls November 26, 2017
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Another name for a person's chin. It's the place to rest one's almonds (nuts) while being fellated.
Dude, check out her almond rest. Looks comfy.
by habs10 May 6, 2010
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