A small furry bird, called a sparrow, who tweets. Not a moron on the internet, or you're girlfriend.
Only sparrows tweet.
by Iam not Elmer Fudd December 22, 2019
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A tweet is someone who Likes telling people things who they should know

That nigga coop a tweet he got his whole gang caught up
by Snitchk August 19, 2019
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1) n.

Any post on the popular social media network Twitter. Said to contain showerthoughts, fancams, inspirational quotes, comedy gems, people's emotions, and all else.
2) v.
To send such a post on Twitter.
Dude, why did you tweet this? This is offensive af
by slaptheBASS June 21, 2020
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A tweet that includes images of a penis.
Anthony Weiner sure got in trouble over that pecker tweet.
by W. T. Effman June 10, 2011
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This phrase is to be used in response whenever a fandom for a specific piece of media is running out of things to say and they end up pointing out even the most minor of details that don't matter.
Fan: "Oh my god, I never noticed this character was taking 14 steps in this scene."
Everyone: "Dolores corn tweet."
by Kenepin July 18, 2022
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A Twitter message that demands more than the standard 140 characters and must be divided into two tweets.
That dude is so wordy he had to use his shredded tweet!
by ScreamingPitch March 23, 2016
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